Sports Podiatry

Helping athletes prevent and recover from injuries related to the lower limbs, while improving athletic performance.

Supporting professional, amateur and casual athletes with a range of Sports Podiatry services

Whether you’re a regular gym-goer, play sports professionally, or just like to keep active, we can help athletes, sportspeople and active people prevent and recover from injuries related to the lower limbs, while improving athletic performance.

  • Injury Prevention and Management: We can help athletes prevent injuries by assessing their biomechanics, recommending suitable footwear, designing custom orthotics, and suggesting strengthening and flexibility exercises. They can also diagnose and treat common sports injuries such as sprains, stress fractures, Achilles tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis.

  • Biomechanical Assessment and Gait Analysis: A podiatrist can conduct a biomechanical assessment to evaluate an athlete's posture, joint mobility, and muscle strength. Gait analysis helps in understanding the athlete's running style and identifying any abnormalities that might be causing discomfort or affecting performance.

  • Footwear Advice: A podiatrist can provide guidance on the correct type and fit of sports footwear for different activities, ensuring adequate support and reducing the risk of foot and ankle injuries.

  • Orthotics: Custom-made orthotic devices can be designed to correct biomechanical issues, improve foot function during athletic activities, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance performance.

  • Rehabilitation: After an injury or surgery, a podiatrist can develop a comprehensive rehabilitation plan that includes exercises to restore strength, mobility, and balance.

  • General Foot Care: Regular foot care is essential for athletes. Podiatrists can provide treatments for athlete’s foot, toenail problems (like ingrown toenails or fungal infections), calluses, and blisters.

Let us help you stay at the top of your game by keeping your feet and lower limbs healthy and functioning optimally.